Jun 10, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

No, I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth—life has just been crazy lately (in a good way!). My sweet little boys have “graduated” from fifth grade, swim team is in full swing, and we’ve already been on our first family camping trip of the summer. School is out and the fun has *definitely* begun!

Ben and Will on graduation day!

In spite of all the busyness, writing IS happening in the odds and ends of time that I can sneak here and there. My summers are always productive, but in a less tangible way than during the school year, when I have hours to myself instead of minutes. But that is OK—my boys are growing up fast, and I plan to enjoy each summer that they are still “mine.” I have a few specific writing goals for the next three months; to complete the first draft of a new picture book and jump back into a middle grade novel I started last year. If I can get some solid work done on these projects, enjoy my summer, and gather some great story ideas along the way, I will be happy!

What are your writing goals for this summer? Happy Summer, and Happy Writing!


  1. My writing goal - to actually write down the things that my kids say and do. I bought journal books for this purpose a year ago and they are still empty. Time to rectify that!

    1. That is a great idea, April! I started this when my kids were very little and write in my journal a few times a year with updates and news about their lives. On the night before their fifth grade graduation, I read them some questions that I'd asked them the night before they started kindergarten, along with their answers. It was hilarious! I asked them another set of questions and wrote down their answers, and we'll look back at those in a few years. These days go by so quickly, and writing is a great way to preserve these moments! = )

  2. You are doing Camp mama! How well I remember those days, not really that long ago.

    I never write first drafts in summer, a pattern I developed in Camp-Mama days. But I will be plotting/charting my next MG, writing-wise. (There's a whole lot more that belongs in life-experiences, which only indirectly relates to writing. Everything is potentially a story, ey?)

    1. Camp Mama it is, Mirka! I love your idea of drafting and plotting during the summers. I may have to try this...and YES, everything is potentially a story! = )

  3. Your boys are growing up too fast! Yes, writing in the summer is sporadic for me as well, and this summer isn't any different. We have summer fun and I fill a notebook with ideas and random thoughts ... I'm working on short stuff right now, PBs and some NF.

    1. I need to be more conscious about keeping an idea notebook this summer. Thanks for the reminder, Vijaya! = )

  4. Aw, they look so sweet in their matching shirts. Or should I just say similar? =) Have a great time w/them this summer, you're so right about them only being 'yours' for a little while. *sniff*

  5. Sounds like you have a great plan for summer! Very handsome graduation picture :-)

  6. I always get the impression when I visit your blog that your family goes on great summer and winter vacations, or celebrate all seasons with excellent books, Becky. Congrats on the boys' graduation and best of luck with your summer writing work! I'll be working on a picture book (both writing and painting) for a commercial project.

  7. Congratulations to your handsome sons. You're wise to enjoy your summers with them. Plenty of time for more intensive writing later. :)


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