Apr 23, 2015

POETRY FRIDAY: A Nonet to Share

Thanks to Renée at No Water River for hosting Poetry Friday this week!
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April has skipped and skittered away from me, but it’s been a fun, busy month! I look forward to National Poetry Month every year, and this year’s celebrations have not disappointed—I’ve shared some of my favorite poetic forms with enthusiastic children, discovered some new favorite poets, and tried my hand at some “new to me” formats! (One of my new favorites is the nonet, which I will share at the end of this post!☺) Due to some heavy duty extra-curricular commitments, I haven’t been blogging as much, but I’ve enjoyed keeping up with my online friends as time allows. I look forward to diving back into more frequent blogging soon!

And now to the nonet format: a nonet is a nine-line poem that begins with a nine-syllable first line, and each succeeding line has one less syllable (line two has eight syllables, line three has seven syllables, etc.). Here is a nonet that I composed which was inspired by my sweet boys, who are now 12 ½ and almost bigger than me!


For years I wondered who you would be,
For months I dreamed of holding you.
When the day came I marveled,
Counting twenty fingers,
Twenty tiny toes,
Two sweet faces;
Twin blessings
Wrapped in
Here is a picture taken a few weeks after we brought our boys home from the NICU.
They were so tiny!!
Try writing your own nonet—it is definitely a fun challenge! Enjoy the last week of this year’s National Poetry Month and Happy Writing!