Aug 21, 2015

POETRY FRIDAY: A Haiku for Back to School

Thanks to Catherine at Reading to the Core for hosting Poetry Friday today
This summer brought a whirlwind of travel and fun for our family—we camped at the mountains and the lake, spent time with family and friends, and finished our “summer tour” with a quick trip to Charleston last week.
One of the sweet turtles at the SC Aquarium's sea turtle rescue

But on Monday, our summer officially ended and my boys went back to school. Although it is hard for me to believe, they are now in the seventh grade! 

My boys on the first day of school

To celebrate back to school, I am sharing a haiku for Poetry Friday today. Wherever you are, enjoy your last few weeks of summer, and Happy Writing!

Lazy summer days
Collide with early mornings
No more sleeping in


  1. Becky, you were in Charleston and didn't call me? :( :( :( Your boys are so big and handsome and color coordinated!!! And that haiku is perfect. I still haven't managed a picture of my kids because they're always running out the door.

    1. Our trip last week was truly a whirlwind, Vijaya. I will call next time, I promise! I hope to see you at the Carolinas SCBWI fall conference in September!

  2. Becky,
    I like the haiku. So change is not all about leaf color! ;)

  3. Love the haiku - what a handsome pair of boys :)

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful summer! I hope you all have a great school year.


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