Sep 4, 2015

POETRY FRIDAY: A Poem for September

Thanks to Linda at Teacher Dance for hosting Poetry Friday today!

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Autumn is my favorite season. Although it is still HOT here in South Carolina, I can see glimpses of fall in the yellowing leaves and occasional cool breezes. On the sports fields around town, soccer and football players hone their skills and the coaches’ whistles mingle with the scent of freshly mown fields. I am eagerly anticipating a visit to my favorite apple orchard, Sky Top near Hendersonville, NC, where apple picking is already in full swing. And although our summer was wonderful, I am really, *really* looking forward to saying goodbye to temperatures in the 90s.

For Poetry Friday today, I am sharing a poem I wrote at my son’s soccer practice last week. I hope you enjoy it!

by Becky Shillington

Summer’s deep green slowly ripens to gold.
Mornings are cooler,
Nights come sooner,
And the sky blooms autumn blue.

Whistles and shouts echo across fields,
School bells ring in a new year of learning,
And apples and pumpkins pop up everywhere.

Bands march under Friday night lights and
Life hunkers down for the season ahead,
As fall shouts, “Ready or not, here I come!”
poem and photo ©2015 by Becky Shillington 

Also, I am happy to share some exciting writing news: I’ve started a column called “Word Play” for a local magazine, YC Parenting. Here is the link to my first column, if you’d like to check it out, and here is a link to an article on stretching with children that I also wrote for this issue. I am enjoying this new challenge and looking forward to writing more for my wonderful editor/creative director extraordinaire! ☺

Have a happy Labor Day weekend, and Happy Writing!


  1. Love the vivid images in your poem. I'm also looking forward to cooler temps. Congrats on your new column. :)

  2. Appreciations for sharing this soccer excitement, Becky.
    And applause for launching the column. When I was at your stage (carpooling mom to scout meetings, sports events, etc.) I wrote for family magazines in the two places we lived & enjoyed
    that connectivity. It was tons of fun. Brava & good luck with it.

    Happy long Labor Day weekend.


  3. "Life hunkers down for the season ahead." Wonderful words to describe my favorite cozy time of year. Congrats on your new writing column.

  4. Congratulations about your new column, Becky, and thanks for the poem 'welcome' to fall, whether we like it or not. The whisperings of fall are all around, and in these PF posts too. Thanks for adding yours.

  5. The talk of fall around Poetry Friday always sneaks up on me. I don't think we're going to be rid of temps in the 90s for quite some time yet here in FL, but you poem sure helps to put me in the mood, Becky. Love "the sky blooms autumn blue."

    1. I am not sure exactly WHEN we will get out of the 90s, but it has to happen sometime, right? : )

  6. Becky,
    I'll be looking for all those colors, especially autumn blue. Lovely. Heading to the links listed!

  7. Becky,
    I read the two articles. Well done! Now you have me wanting to read and stretch. Both good things!

  8. Becky, your new column is off to a great start with an article about family reading-wonderful! A Poem for September is ripe for the new harvest of autumn poems that my fall gallery will showcase. Would you like to offer that one or others once I finish Summer Splashings and call up a new gallery?

    1. Thanks, Carol--I'd love to be included in your gallery again!

  9. Congrats on your column! Love the poem, too.

  10. Becky, hooray for your new column. You're such a good mom to read to your kids. Mine read to me now :) You capture the vividness of fall so well in your poem.

  11. It's been so hot here lately too, but this evening rain is threatening to come in, and so it's cooled off nicely. That's awesome about the column!

  12. The blue of autumn skies is one of my favorite things in all the turning seasons!

  13. Congrats on the new column, Becky! Sounds like a great fit for you. :-)
    We just went apple picking this morning. I have some work ahead of me -- we have a lot of apples!

  14. Congrats on your new writing gig! You are making me miss autumn. We don't really get changes of the seasons here. I can smell the leaves as I read your poem.


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