Oct 21, 2016

Great Writing Resources and Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "Autumn Fires"

Thanks to Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect for hosting Poetry Friday this week!

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Fall is here at last! Cooler weather has finally arrived, and I am so glad—it was a long, hot summer here in South Carolina!

To help celebrate my favorite season, I thought I would share a few writers' resources that I have found helpful over the last few months.

First off is my friend Johnell Dewitt’s new website: www.johnelldewitt.com. Of particular interest to writers are her interviews with literary agents Rick Richter and Rubin Pfeffer, and her posts about storyboarding and proofreading. These were all helpful to me, and I look forward to reading more from Johnell in the future. I can tell already that this site will be one I visit often!

Another writing friend introduced me to ALL THE WONDERS this summer. This site has it all—book reviews, podcasts, crafts, and more. Author and children's librarian Matthew Winner’s podcasts are especially helpful and insightful! www.allthewonders.com

And although this one requires a paid subscription, I want to encourage any aspiring picture book writers to consider joining Julie Hedlund’s 12 x 12 Picture Book Challenge in 2017. My blog has been super quiet this year, but this is because I have been so immersed in writing and revising picture book manuscripts. I have found a fabulous critique group through 12 x 12, participated in helpful webinars, and been creatively challenged (this is an understatement). This investment in my writing career has definitely been worth it! www.12x12challenge.com

I will share more links soon, but wanted to highlight these today!

For my Poetry Friday post this week I decided to share one of my favorite poems about fall, “Autumn Fires” by Scottish poet Robert Louis Stevenson. The smell of autumn is definitely in the air around here!

Autumn Fires

by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

In the other gardens
And all up the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over
And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
The grey smoke towers. 

Sing a song of seasons! 
Something bright in all! 
Flowers in the summer, 
Fires in the fall!

 Have a wonderful fall weekend, and Happy Writing!


  1. Thank you, Becky! You're amazing.

    1. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of US, Johnell! :-)

  2. Thanks for the resource recommendations, Becky, and for the poem to celebrate blazing autumn. It's great to hear that you've been so productive writing-wise!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Michelle. It is so nice to catch up with you again. Congratulations again on your "Best of Today's Little Ditty" Poetry Collection!!!

  3. I LOVE All the Wonders - such an inspiring resource for writers, teachers, librarians, caregivers, and everyone who loves children's literature and the children they share literature with! :)

    1. I completely agree, Jane. I have learned so much from those wonderful folks!

  4. Love Stephenson's take on a blazing autumn - unfortunately we're still blazing here in the desert with 90+ temps! Love your resources list - I did 12x12 a few years ago and it was a great experience. =)

    1. I hope the weather cools off for you soon, Bridget!

  5. These look like interesting links, Becky! I'm bookmarking this post for when I have time to explore them. All the best with your picture book manuscripts. (Maybe we'll see you on bookstore and library shelves soon?)

  6. Great sites,thanks :) Love the poem.

  7. I love 12x12. The webinars, the forum and the encouragement are all good.

  8. What a power packed blog post. Thank you! It's like a vitamin C for poets. I'm intrigued by the 12x12 website. I am in the very, very novice stage of PB writing. But, I am starting to make strides. Thanks again. And, what a lovely poem to start my Monday morning with!

  9. I can't wait to check out all the resources. They sound intriguing. Loved the poem and picture- fall is my favorite season and I try to enjoy every minute of it. :)

  10. Dear Becky,
    I am very proud of your commitment to your writing! I love the line sing a song of seasons

    Believe in you. never Give Up


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