Jun 11, 2013

Young Reader Review: SURFER CHICK

Our Young Reader Review today comes from my (very thoughtful and articulate) little niece, Sophia. Sophia lives in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where her parents are missionaries. When I started this series, I began it with the intent of including all children’s books—from Young Adult down to the very youngest readers. With her mother Laura’s help, Sophia has given us a fabulous review!

Hi Sophia! Thank you so much for talking with us today. Tell us a bit about yourself!
My name is Sophia.  I am 3 years old.  I am big sister to Jessie (9 months old). I live in Brazil.  I like to play princess and play with my friend Sara Joy.

I know that you love to read—and that you love your books so much that you sometimes sleep with them! What is your very favorite book right now?
SURFER CHICK by Kristy Dempsey.
I love SURFER CHICK! Can you tell our readers what this book is about?
The book is about a girl learning how to surf. The girl is a chickie.  She’s so cute!
What is your favorite part of the book?
I like it when the daddy is so happy and says “I knew you could do it!”

(From Sophia’s mom, Laura: I can tell this is Sophia’s favorite part because every time we get to this part she always smiles and giggles.)
What other kinds of books do you really like?
DORA THE EXPLORER books, Karen Katz books, SNUGGLE PUPPY by Sandra Boynton, THE JESUS STORYBOOK BIBLE by Sally Lloyd-Jones, and any books with songs.
Laura, as the mother of a three-year-old AND a former teacher, why do you think reading to very young children is so important?

It is essential to encourage kids to read and to cultivate a love of reading early in life. When I taught first grade, I would always tell the parents of my students, “The more you read with your children, the stronger readers they will become.” 

This is so true. The more children have contact with literature, the better, even at a young age. The first step in preparing a child to become a strong reader is helping him/her realize how fun and wonderful reading truly is.

Books are also excellent teaching tools. At the moment, Sophia and I are reading books focusing on the letters of alphabet. Through reading these books I am able to reinforce to Sophia the names of the letters of the alphabet and sounds they make. 
Last, but certainly not least, reading together with your children is a great way to spend quality time together. Sophia loves having focused time with Mommy to read. Reading together has become a special part of our day.

Do you think there are any holes in the market for kids this age? What kind of books would you, as a parent, like to see more of?
Well, since I live in Brazil it is hard for me to answer this question. I wish there were more books written in English accessible where I live. I stock up on children’s books when we visit the USA and bring them back to Brazil with us. I am super happy to see a growing market in e-books, as I can now download e-books onto my I-pad and thus read more of a variety of books to Sophia using this great tool.

Thanks again for joining us today, Sophia and Laura! HAPPY READING!
Laura and her husband Felipe are missionaries in Brazil with YWAM (Youth With A Mission), where they work with children in one of the largest slums in the country. If you would like to learn more about their lives in Brazil, Laura would love it if you would stop by her blog: http://thematiasfamily.blogspot.com/.


  1. Dear Becky,
    It was fun reading about Sophia and your sister and her husband, Felipe. Sophia has good taste in books. Thank you for sharing.

    Celebrate you and your love of books,
    Joan Y. Edwards

  2. Sophia has an interesting story to tell herself, with her life as the child of missionaries.
    What an adorable girl, (and beautiful mom too) I'm marveling at your blog with its kid-reviews.

  3. So Cute! I will have to buy this book for my niece on her birthday. Thank you Sophia!


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