Nov 14, 2014

POETRY FRIDAY: An Autumn Haiku

Thank you to Keri at Keri Recommends for hosting Poetry Friday this week!

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The weather has definitely changed this week! Two days ago, it was almost 80 degrees where I live, so my boys and I set out for an afternoon hike with our dog, knowing that a cold front was coming and that it would likely be our last warm fall afternoon of the year. Well, it turned out that we weren’t the only ones who thought hitting the neighborhood trails was a good idea—the woods were teeming with people enjoying the afternoon, and we met joggers, walkers, dogs, and lots and lots of children playing in the woods. As we walked, we admired the leaves blazing in the sunlight. Most of the colors this week were deep gold and bright yellow, with occasional blazes of red. It was spectacular!

I’m a bit late for the Poetry Friday party this week, but wanted to share a haiku I wrote following our walk. I hope you enjoy it!

Yellow leaves break free,
Drifting, dancing in the breeze;
Autumn’s final fling.

I am so excited to host Poetry Friday on my blog next Friday! Have a wonderful weekend, and happy writing!


  1. Becky,
    I like the idea of a final fling.

    1. Me too, Linda! I am trying to put a happy spin on the end of fall--it is my favorite season, and I'm a bit sad to see it (and all the pretty leaves) go!

  2. Love the image of "Autumn's final fling", Becky! We've finally cooled off - the operative word is "cool" - mid 70's for the desert is a relief. Keep warm! =)

  3. The fall color has been stunning, hasn't it?! Glad you had a chance to take a final fling in it (and commemorate it)!

  4. How great to be able to get in on that final fling with autumn!

  5. Nice haiku! Fall weather is definitely gone here- I've been scraping frost in the mornings, and we've all ready had flurries twice.

  6. Love this and your celebration of your walk together. I've been watching yellow leaves drift onto our deck all day. They're not dancing, just a slow, lazy flight.

    1. I love the image of leaves taking a slow, lazy flight, Ramona!

  7. Great haiku, Becky! Really captures the essence of fall.

  8. It's been fun to get so many different peeks at fall throughout the roundup this week!

  9. No, I don't want it to have that 'final fling', but you've written it right, Becky, sad to agree. I'm watching snow falling outside right now.

  10. I love haikus. I hope winter is kind.

  11. Awesome haiku! It goes along perfectly with what I have been seeing out my window. Winter is letting us know it is on its way with the chilly temperatures we are experiencing where I live. :)


  12. I love "Autumn's final fling" as well, Becky. We're expecting our first hard freeze this week. I'm not sure if this is it for us as far as autumn temps go, but it definitely will be our first taste of winter.

  13. Becky,
    I'll be traveling on Friday, but I have a Thanksgiving poem up and a poetry prompt at (I'm going off to the wilds and I'm not sure if I'll have internet connection to link to you on Friday, so if you could help me out, I'd appreciate it.) JOY

    1. Hi Joy! I will be happy to post your link--I plan to kick everything off today (Thursday). Thanks for letting me know, and have a safe trip!


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