Sep 27, 2013

POETRY FRIDAY: Smiley Face, A Poem about Braces

Thanks so much to Amy at The Poem Farm for hosting Poetry Friday today!

My son Will had his braces put on yesterday morning! He survived the ordeal very well, with only a bit of soreness throughout the rest of the day. But every time I looked at him, I caught him poking and prodding his new hardware with his tongue. This morning his mouth is a bit sore, but he is hanging in there!

I searched online, but found very few poems about braces. So, in honor of this momentous milestone in our family (which will be repeated very soon when Ben gets braces), I came up with this orthodontic delight of a poem! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ☺
Smiley Face
by Becky Shillington
No more popcorn, nuts, or chips
Nothing sticky past my lips
Brush and floss and rinse with care
Don’t let food get trapped in there!
Toothy, tonguey, feels so strange
Hotwired teeth are such a change
Shiny, silver, tight and straight
Looking good and feeling great!
My braces will be on awhile;
I’m guaranteed a “Perfect Smile!”
But there’s no rush—it’s not a race—
I like my brand new Smiley Face!  


I’m off to the Carolinas' SCBWI Fall Conference this afternoon! I am excited to spend the weekend learning from industry experts, reconnecting with old friends, and making new writer friends! (If you are headed to a writing conference any time soon, be sure to read my Conference Tips post here.) Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and Happy Writing!  


  1. Oh loved it. And he looks so cute. I'm envious--not of getting braces--but getting to go to the conference. I hope we get to hear about it. :)

  2. Fun poem. Love "hotwired teeth". Good luck to Will with his new braces. What a great smile :).

  3. I'm glad he's liking his new braces. When it was my turn, I bawled in the chair like the baby I was. My fear was losing my boyfriend. My parents said, okay, no braces so I went through life with a space in my teeth in which I could fit a quarter. Somehow, mysteriously, the space has closed over time so I saved my parents some big bucks! Have fun at the conference!

  4. What a cutie. (The poem and the boy.) I remember the no-sticky and don't-bite-into-an-apple days of my kiddos.

  5. How good of you to step up and close that online poetry gap. ;) Have a great time at your conference this weekend!

  6. Great poem! I'm a bit envious of people who can rhyme- it's so not my forte! Tell Will 'good job!' and have fun at the conference.

  7. Amazing poem! And such a handsome boy. So glad we met at the convention! Melissa

  8. Good good luck to Will. I remember my braces days and my Water Pik. "Hotwired teeth" really got me too! Have a glorious time at the conference, and Happy Poetry Sunday!

  9. Awesome poem, I get my braces of March 19 2019 and I’m so excited it’s been a long 2 years.


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