Dec 15, 2016

POETRY FRIDAY: Holiday Math Poetry and a NEW CONTEST for PB Writers!

Thank you to Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference 
for hosting Poetry Friday this week!
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With a little over a week to go before Christmas, life has been a crazy whirl of holiday programs, concerts, parties, and shopping (the wrapping will commence soon☺). School will be OUT in just a few days, so in honor of the upcoming break from all things scholarly, I am sharing a few math poems that I wrote. I’ve posted about math poetry previously (click here for more on this fun poetic format), and these holiday-themed poems were particularly fun to write!

Since many Poetry Friday participants are also children’s writers, I also want to share a wonderful new contest with you all. My friend and critique buddy Tara Luebbe has launched Writing with the Stars this week, a (free) contest that will match 16 aspiring picture book writers/illustrators with 16 published professionals. Mentorships are available for authors, illustrators, AND author/illustrators, and here is the AMAZINGLY TALENTED list of participating mentors:

Camille Andros
Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Megan Bryant
Pam Calvert
Marcie Colleen
Paul Czajak
Katie Duffield
Beth Ferry
Laura Gehl
Melissa Iwai
Stacy McAnulty
Peter McCleery
Penny Parker Klostermann
Lori Richmond
DJ Steinberg
Andrea Zuill

(I am seriously in awe of this list!!)

These talented picture book professionals are volunteering their time and will each choose one very lucky person to work with for a three month period. For more about Writing with the Stars, visit Tara’s website here and checkout the Twitter buzz at #PB WWTS. Applications will be accepted January 13-16 and I will post an interview with Tara the first week in January. In the meantime, follow Tara on Twitter @t_luebbe and read this fabulous interview with Tara by Johnell Dewitt!

Enjoy these crazy December days, have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Writing!


  1. I've never heard of math poems. Fun project for kids.

    1. The kids I have worked with on these LOVE them--this format helps young writers approach poetry from a completely different angle. It is so much fun!

  2. Love the idea of math poems -so creative! Your mentorship program sounds wonderful.

    1. Thanks Joyce. Tara's mentorship program is definitely going to be amazing!

  3. These math poems are wonderful, Becky. I miss having red birds/cardinals that I grew up with. They don't travel west to Colorado. So, love that first one. The contest sounds like a grand opportunity for some lucky writer.

  4. Your math poems are terrific! I'm going to share them with our 4/5 math teacher. Thank you for sharing information about Writing with the Stars. What an incredible opportunity!

    1. I was so excited when I first discovered math poetry, Catherine. I wish I had known about it when I was a 3rd grade teacher. My students would have loved this format!

  5. Wonderful poems and a great contest. Merry Christmas, Becky!

  6. So neat, I don't think I'd heard of math poetry before. And that sounds like a great mentorship, Tara comes up w/awesome stuff for the pb community!

  7. What a great contest! I am definitely going to share this with the math teachers on my campus. Thanks for sharing, Becky!

  8. Wow! Fun poems and a great contest. Thanks for sharing it all. Have a great week and enjoy the fun of getting ready.

  9. The math poems are fun, Becky. Thanks for sharing. What a great contest, too.

  10. Your poems are so much fun! It seems like a great thing for kids to try when they are squirmy with excitement. Merry Christmas, Becky!

    1. Thank you, Tabatha! Merry Christmas, and thanks again for hosting Poetry Friday this week!

  11. I like writing math poems, too! Yours are fabulous! Thanks for the heads up about the contest.

  12. There's something tricky-cool about mixing words and operations. Wish I had time to benefit from a 3-month mentorship--what a great opportunity!

  13. Now this is the kind of math I like. :) Awesome job!

    Hope your holidays were happy. Wishing you a wonderful 2017. :)


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