Jan 21, 2015

Intentions for the New Year

2015 is rolling right along—I can’t believe it is already January 21st! This year promises to be exciting and fun, but very busy, both personally and writing-wise. In anticipation of this, I’ve been contemplating and prioritizing my commitments, and making adjustments where necessary. I have a tendency to over schedule myself, and I’m hoping to find better balance in 2015.

So besides the writing goals that I have set for this year, I am setting the intention to guard my time more carefully, both my writing time and my family time. This means planning my schedule more mindfully and not cramming too much into one day. I am also working on not saying “yes” so much to commitment requests from others. While volunteering in different capacities is very important to me, “no, thank you” has always been difficult for me to say. But this quote from Carl Sandburg says it best:

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Image courtesy of Phaitoon at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I am heading off on a grand adventure tomorrow and will not be blogging again until February. I hope the rest of your January is calm and cozy! Happy Writing!


  1. Very wise thoughts! Enjoy your adventure :-)!

  2. Good luck with all you undertake!

  3. Enjoy the adventure, Becky! And yes, it's all right to say 'no' and not have to explain sometimes.

  4. I hope the grand adventure is lots of fun! I love the quote about time. It is so true and it is something I am working on for 2015. I need lots of reminders! :)

  5. Best wishes on your new adventure!


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