May 19, 2014

Going With the Flow

Time flies when you’re having fun” has always proven a true statement for me. But lately I’ve been contemplating another phrase I have heard over and over again: “The older you get, the faster time goes by.” I’ve been told this many times throughout the years, but never really believed it until my boys were born—and then time started zipping right along! Now, in three short weeks, they will be graduating from fifth grade. (Although why we call this “graduating” is beyond me; I would prefer to refer to it as a “promotion” and save “graduation” for the far, far distant future…but this is a whole different discussion!)

The same thing has proven true in my writing life—years ago when I first started writing, a two or three month response time seemed like an eternity. Now that wait time doesn’t seem nearly as long. When working on a project, I am decidedly more patient with myself and am learning to focus less on how long something is taking and more on doing it right. It has taken me awhile to figure this out, but it is very freeing, especially during busy times like right now!

Every year, the month of May sneaks up on me. Each May in my world, soccer overlaps with the beginning of swim season, school and church volunteer opportunities multiply, and there is always one special event after another (filling up weekends, weeknights, and many weekdays). Mix in with this my husband’s birthday, Mother’s Day, my boys' yearly piano recital, our spring children's musical at church, scouting stuff, end-of-the-school-year activities, and so on, and I end up with a fun—but FULL—month!  

Trying to maintain a semblance of productivity in my writing life is a challenge at this time of year, and reminds me of the pre-holiday rush in November and December. I have to make a conscious (daily) effort to go with the flow, and remind myself that the life experiences I am gathering are the “kernels of inspiration” for future poems, stories, etc. It is only when I relax into this busy time that I am able to fully appreciate and enjoy it, and have the mental dexterity to get any writing done at all.
Although this is exhilarating and inspiring...
THIS is much more relaxing to me!
So here’s to “going with the flow.” May YOUR busy times—whether now or later—bring lots of ideas your way!

Happy Writing!


  1. I hear you, Becky ... it's the same story here. We ended up saying no to a lot of things this month. You just can't do it all ... and I do believe time is going faster. Mine are teenagers now and whoosh!!!!

    1. "No" is a beautiful word sometimes, isn't it? I am working on this--I finally realize that I can't (and don't have to) do everything. I hope your busy May settles into a relaxing June!

  2. When your young time feels like it crawls, and then right about the time you turn eighteen it starts zooming by like nobody's business! At least that's been my experience. And even tho I'll be thirty next month and I have a child, I still feel like that eighteen year old most days. =)

    1. Yes! No matter how much older I get, I still feel the same age! (I am not sure exactly what age this is--maybe just "adult"??) = )


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