Apr 23, 2014

Poem in Your Pocket Day is Thursday, April 24, 2014!

This is just a short post to remind everyone that tomorrow, Thursday, April 24, is Poem in Your Pocket Day 2014! Poem in Your Pocket Day was first celebrated in April 2002, when New York City incorporated it into the city’s National Poetry Month Celebration. Since then, this literary “holiday” has taken off, and now Poem in Your Pocket Day is celebrated each April in classrooms, cities, libraries, and bookstores nationwide. The idea is simple—choose a favorite poem, or compose one of your own, and carry it in your pocket for the day. Share it with friends, colleagues, family, etc., to spread the joy that poetry brings into our world every day!
For fabulous resources for celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day, visit the Academy of American Poets website here.

Here are a few more of my favorite poetry resources:
Children’s author Beatrice Schenk de Regniers wrote a sweet poem about carrying a poem in your pocket. Here is the first stanza of her poem:

Keep A Poem In Your Pocket
By Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Keep a poem in your pocket
And a picture in your head
And you'll never feel lonely
At night when you're in bed.
To read the rest of this poem, click here. 
Have a happy Poem in Your Pocket Day, and Happy Writing!


  1. I didn't realize Poem in Your Pocket Day was tomorrow! Thanks for sharing. I absolutely love this idea and think it is a great way to spread my love of poetry. :)

  2. What a fun holiday. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Of all things I just received a wonderful book of Haiku poetry, and feel like many of them fit well in a pocket...

  4. What a sweet little way to celebrate poetry. I just need to where something w/pockets tomorrow... =D

  5. Oh cool. I love poetry and I don't read it nearly enough.

  6. That little poem in your pocket is so sweet. It's true: if we keep a poem in our pocket, a picture in our head, we'll never feel alone.


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