Jan 10, 2014

POETRY FRIDAY: A Poem from a Friend

Thanks to Donna at Mainely Write for hosting Poetry Friday today!

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This past fall, I signed up to participate in Tabatha Yeatts' Winter Poetry Swap. I’d never done anything like this before, and thought it sounded like fun. It was!
Shortly before Christmas, I received three wonderful poems from my swap partner, Joy Acey, along with some fun goodies. And then early this week, I received another package of poems and goodies from Joy—definitely a sweet surprise! ☺ I was thrilled to be matched with Joy, because she writes a poem every single day and then posts it on her blog. She explores a many different poetic formats and I always learn something when I read her blog. Joy is definitely an inspiration to me, and you can check out her wonderful blog here.
I thought that this poem I received from Joy this week would be perfect to share on today’s Poetry Friday post. It is truly a writer’s blessing, and I hope you find is as meaningful as I do. Thanks, Joy, for allowing me to share it, and thanks for being such a great poetry swap partner!
Happy New Year
By Joy Acey

May 2014 be a productive and prosperous year for you.
May the ink in your pen continue to flow.
May you write more poems than you can know.
May words take you farther than you thought you could go.
And may your good fortune continue to grow.
All good wishes for a grand 2014.
Happy Writing!


  1. May your good fortune continue to grow, Becky and Joy! Glad you enjoyed the swap :-)

  2. Thank YOU for hosting the swap, Tabatha! What a great idea! = )

  3. Becky,
    Your Christmas poem was great too. It was fun being your swap partner.

  4. A lovely poem! And the swap sounds like such a neat idea, very creative.

  5. Lovely! I'll borrow that wish, if you don't mind!!

  6. Dear Joy, thank you for this wondrous wishes for the New Year. A handful of pixie dust and faerie glitter to you too this 2014.


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