Apr 18, 2013

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day!

Don't forget that today is National Poem in Your Pocket Day! To join in the fun, write or print out a favorite poem and put it in your pocket--then share it with your friends as you go about your day. It is sure to make everyone's day a little brighter!

This morning I had the pleasure of celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day with my boys' fourth grade classes. It was absolutely wonderful to see the kids get so excited about their poems (I passed out poems from Poem in Your Pocket for Young Poets, compiled by the Academy of American Poets). It was difficult walking by other adults and kids in the halls without giving everyone I met one of the poems, but I did share quite a few!

For a fun collection of pocket poems, visit Poetry.org's website: http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmID/409

image courtesy of poetry.org


  1. "How brief he seems where all things endless are" Yes! And yes, I will write a nature poem to celebrate Earth Day. Thank you for sharing these!

  2. love this, Becky! I look forward to next year... :)


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